Ain’t Gonna Keep this Girl Down!

Beginning Woodburning
First attempts at wood burning… please be nice

Once the big Christmas rush was over, I dug out the hubs old wood burning kit and gave it a whirl! No definite project in mind, just trying my hand. Just doodles and learning how to handle the tips…  Pretty simple – it’s easier if the grain of the wood is very small, but I wasn’t as impressed with the look.  My challenge will be to learn how to weigh those two things to get the result I want.  I also tried burning cork, which worked well.  In any event, lots of practice will be needed.

Then life sort of got in the way, or so I thought until it REALLY got in the way. I got busy with working, family activities, some organizations I’m involved with, etc. and didn’t get much done.  Then on Mother’s Day life really got in the way.  I had a bad car accident.  Totaled the car and I had a lot of healing to do.  I realize it could have been much worse, but it really put things in perspective.  In any case, I was in so much pain that it was hard to do very much.  After about two months, I was able to bring a few crafting things into the living room (I think my body imprint is permanent in the couch) and at least start doing a few small projects as my body allowed. 4-1/2 months later, I am starting to get back to normal and feeling more and more adventurous again, so hopefully you’ll see more very soon!

All that said, I’ve added to my “to try” list…  a wreath (or two).  I have a specific one in mind for a friend and then I want to do one for my house.  (Hack alert) I’ve also learned that a wood burning tool can be used to cut decorative mesh for wreaths and that doing so prevents fraying! So, these two seemingly unrelated crafts are actually related (you didn’t think I was going to pull that one off, did ya?!) In any case, supplies have bee purchased and I hope to get started with those soon…  although cleaning up my craft room might have to take precedent.  It’s been a little neglected these past few months.  😉

It’s good to be back and feel like I can tackle the world again!